If you are planning on attending and would like to demonstrate your
software please send a one or two paragraph description of your
demonstration to
Unless you state otherwise I will assume that your needs are
satisfied by an X-window interface and access to the internet.
Available equipment
An ATM LAN based upon a FORE SYSTEMS ASX-200 ATM switch with
12 multimode fiber OC-3 interface ports.
An ethernet (coax based) LAN terminated on a Router (model to be
A Sun Sparc_10 providing routing between the ATM LAN and the ethernet
A Sprint_Link T1 rate connection to the Internet.
A DS-3 ATM link to the NYNet Wide Area ATM Network.
A couple of extra Sparc Stations with ATM interfaces that can be
shared if necessary.
Two or more PC's running X-windows, connected to the internet, for
running demonstrations.
Planned Demonstrations
HPDC-4 Demonstration
3:30-5:00pm, August 3, 1995
Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Pentagon City, Virginia
Sponsors: WorldCom, NYNEX, Fore Systems, Syracuse University and Rome Labs
The computer network of HPDC-4 conference site will be connected to the
NYNET Wide Area Network) testbed as shown in the attached figure.
The technology used to implement this
high speed network is based on two leading-edge communications technologies:
SONET and ATM. SONET -- Synchronous Optical NETwork -- permits vast streams of
information to be transported on fiber-optic cables as pulses of light
at rates of billions of bits per second. Additionally,
SONET provides sophisticated fault tolerance and management features that
are necessary to provide the medical and business industries with the
uninterrupted quality of service they require.
ATM -- Asynchronous Transfer Mode -- is a digital switching technology
that segments a digital information stream (voice, video, and/or data) into
fixed size cells, and then switches these cells in real-time to their
intended destination. ATM technology provides a means of offering end users
bandwidth-on-demand and a greater level of aggregate traffic
(approaching terabits per second -- one tera is one thousand billion) to be
carried and potentially reduces the cost of providing high speed network
access to the end user.
NYNET provides interconnection between many of the New York State's
leading educational institutions (Syracuse University, Cornell University,
Columbia University, SUNY Stonybrook, Polytechnic Institute of New York),
government labs (Rome Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratories), industry
labs (NYNEX Science and Technology, Grumman, Cold Spring Harbor Research
Laboratories), Museum of Science and Technology (MOST), and
several medical institutions in New York. Most of
the wide area portion of the NYNET operates at speed OC 48 (2.4 Giga bits per
second) while each site is connected with two OC 3 links (155 Million bits
per second).
The ATM link from the conference site to the NYNET testbed will enable us
to access the high performance computers (CM-5, IBM-SP2, NCUBE, MasPar,
Intel IPSC 860) and workstations available at the Northeast Parallel
Architectures Center (NPAC) at Syracuse University. With this connectivity,
we will be able to demonstrate several HPCC applications that have been
developed by Syracuse University researchers and in collaboration with
Rome Laboratory.
Demonstration Overview
The HPDC-4 demonstration will include the following applications:
Distributed Computing Applications
In this demo, we demonstrate how ATM network can be used to run
distributed applications (concurrent multitarget tracker, linear equation
solver, financial modeling, electromagentic scattering simulation, etc.)
on computers geographically dispersed across wide area network.
Virtual Distributed Computing Environment
In this demo, a virtual computing environment is dynamically formed
using resources available at HPDC-4 conference site, Syracuse University
and Rome Laboratory to provide computing and storage requirements of
large scale HPCC applications.
Video On Demand (VOD)
In this demo, we show how Video Servers being developed at Syracuse University
can be accessed from remote sites via a high speed ATM network.
WebWork Server Demo
In this demo, we will demonstrate WebWork and prototype in terms of
NPAC WebTools servers - a collection of CGI-extended Web servers
with support for document authoring and management, HyperWorld navigation
and e-mail handling. WebWork servers can be accessed by any conventional
browser. Integration with interactive browsers such as HotJava is
being currently explored and demonstrated in a set of Java demos
that illustrate early prototoypes of the following WebWork tools:
visual interactive dataflow editor, software project manager,
desktop publisher, neural network for hand-written character recognition.
Web Search Demo
The "Web Search" Demo set consists of total six demonstrations
in the areas of 1) Integration of relational database management
system (RDBMS) and Web technologies; 2)
Web Search Systems where we demonstrate full-text search capability of
three different indexing/search systems under Web:
An Oracle's TextRetrieval System, A WWWWAIS Interfacek, and
A Harvest Broker.
In additioon, we will also demonstrate running parallel queries on
Oracle 7 parallel server on nCUBE2 at NPAC. This demo is also integrated
under the web.
Living Textbook Project Demo
The Living Textbook is a multidisciplinary project to demonstrate
leading technologies in the K-12 classroom of the future.
Using state of the art information technologies, The Northeast Parallel
Architectures Center and the School of Education at Syracuse
University deliver video, images, and text to the classroom to prototype
interactive, information on-demand systems and their integration into K-12
Telemedicine Networking Demo
Rome Laboratory will be demonstrating Telemedicine application
in collaboration with SUNY-Health Science Center Syracuse (SUNY-HSC), NY.
This demo will be demonstrating distributed collaboration using both
wireless and land-based Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks in support
of Telemedicine. The demonstration will show a collaborative
environment, based on a medical situation that shows how high speed networks
can be used in transferring medical images and consultation.
Effective Fault Tolerant Parallel Processing Demo
In this demo, a Temple University research project based on
Passive Object-Flow Programming (POFP) will be demonstrated. This
demonstration shows the inherent advantages of POFP in fault tolerance and
load balancing. A number of other critical utilities are also to be shown,
such as security tools, debugging tools, and personal processor pool management
Mentat is an object-oriented parallel processing system designed to
directly address the difficulty of developing architecture-independent
parallel programs.
Mentat combines a medium-grain, data-driven computation model with the
object-oriented programming paradigm and provides automatic detection
and management of data dependencies.
The Next Logical Step Toward a Worldwide Virtual Computer:
The Legion project at the
University of Virginia is an attempt to provide system services
that provide the illusion of a single virtual machine to
users, a virtual machine that provides both improved response
time and greater throughput.
Legion will consist of workstations, vector supercomputers,
and parallel supercomputers connected by local area networks,
enterprise-wide networks, and the National Information Infrastructure.