Registration Form
Sixth International IEEE Symposium on High Performance Distributed
Register by mail through July 25 using the form below. E-mail is
available also through July 25; you must use a credit card number.
On-site registration in Portland begins Tuesday, August 5. You
are strongly encouraged to pre-register. Please MAIL this completed
form to:
Syracuse University
EECS Dept / 2-120 CST
HPDC-6 Symposium
Syracuse, NY 13244
FAX it to 315-443-1122 CALL 315-443-1260
You may register by E-mail using your credit card.
Send to:
Last Name/Family Name) First Name
Affiliation: ______________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip/Postal Code/Country:________________________________
Phone:________________________________Fax Number___________________
E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________
IEEE/ACM SIGCOMM Member #: ________________________________________
(required for member rate)
[ ] If you have a disability and may require accommodation in order
to fully participate in this activity, please check here. You will
be contacted to discuss your needs.
[ ] Please check here if you wish vegetarian meals.
REGISTRATION FOR HPDC-6 SYMPOSIUM, August 6-8 (please check
appropriate fee)
Advance Registration Regular Registration
(Received by July 11) (Received after July 11)
______________________ ____________________
IEEE/ACM SIGCOMM Member [ ] $325 [ ] $390
Non-Member [ ] $440 [ ] $490
Full-time student [ ] $190 [ ] $210
Symposium registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, coffee
breaks, sponsored lunches, dinner, and the Thursday evening dinner
Student registration does not include lunches, dinner, the evening
cruise or proceedings. Extra tickets or copies of the proceedings may be
purchased on-site. Registration cancellations made after July 25
are not refundable.
You may select the all-day tutorial; or one tutorial from
the morning session and/or one from the afternoon session. Each
tutorial registration fee includes attendance at the tutorial
session and materials. There are no student fees for the tutorials.
Cancellations of tutorial registrations made after July 25 will
be subject to the total fee. We reserve the right to cancel the
tutorials due to insufficient participation or other unforseeable
problems, in which case fees will be refunded.
Advance Registration Regular Registration
(Received by July 11) (Received after July 11)
--------------------- -------------------
Tutorial No. 1 (all day)
IEEE/ACM SIGCOMM Member [ ] $310 [ ] $370
Non-Member [ ] $385 [ ] $460
Tutorials 2,3,4,5 (half-day) each
Member [ ] $230 [ ] $280
Non-Member [ ] $290 [ ] $360
Please register me for the following tutorials:
All day
__ 1 Computing and Transacting in the Mobile Environment
Morning (select one)
__ 2 Building Metacomputing Applications
__ 3 Network Interface Architecture and Software
Afternoon (select one)
__ 4 Supporting Multimedia Communications in High-Speed ATM Networks
__ 5 Distributed Computing Using the Java Programming Language
___ Number of Tutorials x $______ = $_______
Other fees:
Guest tickets for the Dinner Cruise aboard the Portland
Spirit on the Willamette River, Thursday, August 7, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
___ Number of tickets X $40.00 = $______
Symp. Fee $_______+ Tutorial Fees $______ + Dinner Cruise $_____= Total_______
TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $__________________U.S.
[ ] Check enclosed (payable to SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY)
[ ] Please charge [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard
Card Number: ______________________________EXP.Date_____________
Cardholder Name(as it appears on the card):___________________________
(Please print)
Cardholder Signature:_________________________________________________
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