Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High Performance
Computing (HPDC-7) Home Page
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on

Chicago, Illinois, July 28-31, 1998
The Seventh International Symposium on High Performance Distributed
Computing is a forum for presenting the latest research findings on
the use of networked systems for high-performance computing.
Submissions are encouraged on all aspects of high performance
distributed computing, including hardware technologies, the middleware
that ties distributed resources together into ``computational grids,"
and tools and languages that support application development. Papers
discussing advanced user interfaces, such as those employing
distributed collaborative virtual reality for communication and
analysis, are of particular interest. Case studies describing novel
applications are also encouraged. Papers receiving the best reviews
will also be considered for publication in a special issue of the
journal Cluster Computing.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Software environments and language support for high performance
distributed computing
- Applications and case studies of high performance distributed
- Parallel and distributed algorithms to solve computationally
intensive problems in networked environments
- Distributed multimedia and tele-immersion
- Multimedia and teleimmersive applications
- High performance I/O and file systems
- Security, configuration, and management issues
- Fault tolerance
- Architectural support for high-speed communications or
interconnection networks
- Efficient communication interfaces for distributed computing
- Gigabit network architectures
- Remote collaboration tools
The programs for the preceding HPDC-5 and
are accessible online.
HPDC-7 will be held at the Drake Hotel in Chicago at 140 East Walton Place. The Drake is a city landmark, and the pride of all Chicagoans. It is located in the heart of the Gold Coast, overlooking Lake Michigan, across from Oak Street Beach and right on the Magnificant Mile.
All Hotel Reservations must be made directly with the Hotel. For online reservations, see the website at The local phone number for the Chicago Drake is 312-787-2200, and the guest fax number is 312-951-5803. Mention IEEE or HPDC7 for our special rate of $155.00 plus the sales/room tax of 14.9% for a single/double room. This rate is good for the night of July 26 up to Sunday morning,August 3. The reservation cut-off date is Friday, July 3, 1998 at 5:00p.m. Central time. Reservations received after this date will be accepted by the Hotel on a space-available basis at the conference rate.
The Drake is 20 miles from O'Hare airport (30-45 minutes drive). You may take the "Airport Express" bus to the Hotel. The price is $15.50 one way. Tickets may be purchased at the airport. The Drake Hotel is the second stop on the bus route. A taxi would cost approximately $30.00
Submit proposals for tutorials by March 1 to the Tutorials Chair,
Michael Papka,
Plan to join us for a Dinner Cruise on Lake Michigan on Thursday evening, July 30. "Chicago's First Lady" will board beginning at 6:30pm. The cruise starts at 7:00pm and returns to dock at 10:00. There will be a buffet dinner and cash bar. Extra tickets for guests and student registrants may be purchased. (Please see the registration form).
Proposals for exhibits and technical demonstrations should be
submitted to
by March 1, 1998. A prize will be offered for the demonstration
judged to make the most effective use of high-performance distributed
General Chair:
Salim Hariri, Syracuse University, 315-443-4282,
Program Committee Chair:
Ian Foster, Argonne National
Laboratory and University of Chicago, h
Program Committee:
David Abramson, Monash University, Australia
Khalid Al-Tawil, King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia
Rob Armstrong, Sandia National Laboratory
Fran Berman, University of California at San Diego
Ken Birman, Cornell University
Andrew Chien, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Culler, University of California at Berkeley
Ian Foster, Argonne
National Laboratory
Andrew Grimshaw, University of Virginia
Salim Hariri, Syracuse University
Carl Kesselman, USC Information
Sciences Institute
T. V. Lakshman, Bell Laboratories
Reagan Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Clifford Neuman, USC Information Sciences Institute
Mike Quinn, Oregon State
C. S. Raghavendra, Washington State University
Doug Schmidt, Washington University at Saint Louis
Rolf Stadler, Columbia University
Rick Stevens, Argonne
National Laboratory
Local Arrangements and Publicity Chair:
Maxine Brown,
Electronic Visualization Laboratory, UIC, and National Center for
Supercomputing Applications, UIUC,
Exhibits and Demonstrations Chair:
Jim Costigan, Electronic
Visualization Laboratory, UIC,
Tutorial Chair:
Michael Papka, Argonne National Laboratory,
Registration Chair:
Cynthia Bromka-Skafidas, Syracuse
University, 315-443-1260,
Symposium Steering Committee:
Andrew Grimshaw, University of Virginia
Daniel McAuliffe, Rome Laboratory
C. S. Raghavendra, Washington State University
Michael Quinn, Oregon State University
Provided by Ian Foster,