On-line Registration For HPDC-8 Tutorial and Symposium August 3-6, 1999

On-site registration in Redondo Beach begins Monday afternoon, August 2. 1999 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Coral Foyer. It will resume on Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 7:00 a.m.

You are strongly encouraged to pre-register.

Symposium registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, refreshment breaks, lunches, the Tuesday evening reception, and the Thursday evening banquet. Student registration does not include the Thursday evening banquet.

Registration cancellations after July 23, 1999 are not refundable. Substitutions may be made at any time.


Name: ......Last Name/Family Name First Name



City/State/Zip/Postal Code/Country:



E-mail Address:

(required for member rate)
If author, check here
If poster paper author, check here.
Please check here if you wish vegetarian meals.

TUTORIAL, August 3, 1999 (Please check appropriate fee)
Full Day Tutorial

1. Cryptography, Security and Privacy

Tutorials 2,3,4,5 and 6 (half-day) each

Morning (Select One)

2. Performance Analysis and Prediction of Large-Scale Scientific Applications
3. Globus Grid Programming Toolkit
4. Cluster Computing: The Commodity Supercomputing

Afternoon(Select One)

5. Distributed Systems Performance Analysis Using Net Logger and Pablo
6. High-Performance Computing with Legion


Prior to Friday, July 2, 1999

Full Day

Members: $325
Non-members: $390
Half Day
Members: $250
Non-members: $300

Late Registration (After Friday, July 2, 1999) and On-Site Registration

Full Day

Members: $390
Non-members: $470
Half Day
Members: $300
Non-members: $360
Number of Half Day Tutorials X $=$
Number of Full Day Tutorials X $=$

Total cost for Tutorials:

SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION: Fee includes admission to conference, proceedings, 3 continental breakfasts, 2 lunches, Tuesday evening reception and Thursday evening banquet and refreshment breaks.

Prior to July 2, 1999
Members $395
Non-members $495
Full-time student $250
(Does not include proceedings or social functions, does not include Thursday banquet)
Late (After July 2, 1999) and On-site Registration
Members $450
Non-members $570
Full-time student $300
(Does not include proceedings or social functions, does not include Thursday banquet)
Guest Reception Numer @$20.... $
Guest Lunch Wednesday number: @$25 $
Guest Lunch Thursday number: @$25 $
Guest Banquet (Thursady Evening) number: @$45 $

I wish to subsribe to Cluster Computing Journal, annual subscription: $68.00 x

Check here if the information is the same as on the registration, otherwise please provide following information.




City/State/Zip/Postal Code/Country:

Please make checks payable to: The University of Arizona Foundation

NOTE: Registration fees are not a tax deductible contribution. However, they may be deducted as a business expense. Check with your accountant or tax advisor.

If you wish to use your VISA or MASTERCARD for registration:

Card #

Exp. Date (MM/YY):

Signature: (Type your name if you register on-line)

The University of Arizona accepts AMERICAN EXPRESS or VISA Debit Cards:

Card #

Exp. Date (MM/YY):

Signature: (Type your name if you register on-line)

Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as language interpreter, by contacting Engineering Professional Development, 520-621-3054.

Request should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation. I have the following sepcial needs/requirements:

You can also Mail/Fax or E-mail this form to:

Engineering Professional Development
The University of Arizona
1224 N. Vine Avenue
Tucson, AZ, 85719-4552 USA
Phone: 520-621-3054
Fax: 520-621-1443
E-mail: epd@engr.arizona.edu

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