Program HPDC 2000

Wednesday, August 2

8:30-9: Introduction

Ian Foster, General Chair

Peter Steenkiste, Program Chair

9-10: Keynote

"Project Aura: Distraction-Free Ubiquitous Computing"

M. Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University

10-10:30: break

10:30-12: Paper sessions

Track 1: QoS and Adaptivity (Session chair: Dave O’Hallaron, Carnegie Mellon)

QoS and Contention-Aware Multi-Resource Reservation

Dongyan Xu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois), Arun Viswanathan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Duangdao Wichadakul (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Automatic Configuration and Run-time Adaptation of Distributed Applications

Fangzhe Chang (New York University), Vijay Karamcheti (New York University)

A Distributed Multi-Storage Resource Architecture and I/O Performance Prediction for Scientific Computing

Xiaohui Shen (Northwestern University), Alok Choudhary (Northwestern University)

Track 2: Software Environments (Session chair: Francine Berman, UCSD)

Uintah: A Massively Parallel Problem Solving Environment

John de St. Germain (University of Utah), Steve Parker (University of Utah), John McCorquodale (University of Utah), Chris Johnson (University of Utah)

An Enabling Framework for Master-Worker Applications on the Computational Grid

Jean-Pierre Goux (Argonne National Laboratory), Sanjeev Kulkarni (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Jeff Linderoth (Argonne National Laboratory), Michael Yoder (University of Wisconsin)

A Componentized Services Architecture for Building Distributed Grid Applications

Dennis Gannon (Indiana University and NASA NAS Division), Randall Bramley (Department of Computer Science), Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Nirmal Mukhi, Madhuri Yechuri, Benjamin Temko

12-1:30: Lunch

1:30-3: Invited session: Technology

Some Problems Related to Content Distribution

Bruce Maggs, Vice President, Research, Akamai Technologies

Spawning Networks

Andrew T. Campbell, Columbia University

Optical Networking: Present and Future

Debanjan Saha, Tellium


3-3:30: Break

3:30-5:20: Paper sessions:

Track 1: Cluster computing (Session chair: Henri Bal, Vrije Universiteit)

Evaluating Cluster-Based Network Servers

Ricardo Bianchini (Rutgers University), Enrique Carrera (Rutgers University)

Effectively sharing global memory resources by integrating job migrations and network RAM

Li Xiao (College of William and Mary), Xiaodong Zhang (College of William and Mary), Stefan Kubricht (College of William and Mary)

Split Execution: Providing a Friendly Environment on an Unfriendly Machine

Douglas Thain (University of Wisconsin), Miron Livny (University of Wisconsin)

Using Idle Workstations to Implement Predictive Prefetching

Jasmine Y. Q. Wang (University of British Columbia), Joon Suan Ong (University of British Columbia), Yvonne Coady (Univeristy of British Columbia), Michael J. Feeley (University of British Columbia)

Track 2: Grid Services (Session chair: Carl Kesselman, ISI/USC)

Grid Monitoring Sensor Management

Brian Tierney (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

Robust Resource Management for Metacomputers

Joern Gehring (University of Paderborn), Achim Streit (University of Paderborn)

Event Services for High Performance Computing

Greg Eisenhauer (Georgia Insititue of Technology), Fabian Bustamante (Georgia Institute of Technology), Karsten Schwan (Georgia Insititue of Technology)

Performance Evaluation of a Firewall-compliant Globus-based Wide-area Cluster System

Yoshio Tanaka (Electrotechnical Laboratory), Motonori Hirano (Software Research Associates, Inc.), Mitsuhisa Sato (Real World Computing Partnership), Hidemoto Nakada (Electrotechnical Laboratory), Satoshi Sekiguchi (Electrotechnical Laboratory)

6-8: Conference reception, Westin William Penn Hotel

Reception with poster session and demonstrations in the Allegheny and Sky rooms.


Thursday, August 3

9-10: Keynote

"Technology to Enable Group-to-Group Collaborations via the Grid"

Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory and The University of Chicago

10-10:30: break

10:30-12: Paper sessions

Track 1: Networking (Session chair: Matt Mathis, PSC)

Speculative Defragmentation - A Technique to Improve the Communication Software Efficiency for Gigabit Ethernet

Christian Kurmann (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)), Felix Rauch (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)), Thomas Stricker (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH))

High Performance Communication using a Commodity Network for Cluster System

Shinji Sumimoto (Real World Computing Partnership), Hiroshi Tezuka (Real World Computing Partnership), Atsushi Hori (Real World Computing Partnership), Hiroshi Harada (Real World Computing Partnership), Toshiyuki Takahashi (Real World Computing Partnership), Yutaka Ishikawa (Real World Computing Partnership)

Synchronizing Network Probes to avoid Measurement Intrusion with the Network Weather Service

Rich Wolski (University of Tennessee), Benjamin Gaidioz (Universit'e Claude Bernard Lyon 1), Bernard Tourancheau (Universit'e Claude Bernard Lyon 1)

Track 2: Storage Management (Session chair: Bill Johnston, LBL)

Failure-Atomic File Access in an Interposed Network Storage System

Darrell Anderson (Duke University), Jeff Chase (Duke University)

Grid-Based File Access: The Legion I/O Model

Brian White (University of Virginia), Andrew Grimshaw (University of Virginia), Anh Nguyen-Tuong (University of Virginia)

Flexible High-Performance Access to Distributed Storage Resources

Craig Patten (University of Adelaide), Ken Hawick (University of Adelaide)

12-1:30: Lunch

1:30-3: Invited session: Applications

High Performance Computing with the Alliance Windows Cluster

Rob Pennington, NCSA

Data Handling Issues for Large-Scale Simulation in Energy Conversion

Geo. A. Richards, National Energy Technology Laboratory

Case Study of the MetaComputing and Remote Virtual Collaborative Environment at HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany and Sandia Labs, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Arthurine Breckenridge, Sandia Labs



3-3:30: Break

3:30-5: Paper sessions:

Track 1: Case Studies: Systems (Session chair: Klara Nahrstedt, University of Illinois)

An Evaluation of Alternative Designs for a Grid Information Service

Warren Smith (NASA Ames Research Center), Abdul Waheed (NASA Ames Research Center), David Meyers (NASA Ames Research Center), Jerry Yan (NASA Ames Research Center)

Constructing The ASCI Grid

Judy Beiriger (Sandia National Laboratories), Wilbur Johnson (Sandia National Laboratories), Hugh Bivens (Sandia National Laboratories), Steven Humphreys (Sandia National Laboratories), Ronald Rhea (Sandia National Laboratories)

2K: A Distributed Operating System for Dynamic Heterogeneous Environments

Fabio Kon (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Roy Campbell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Marshall Mickunas (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois), Francisco Ballesteros (Rey Juan Carlos University)

Track 2: Scheduling (Session chair: Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Lab)

Evaluation of Task Assignment Policies for Supercomputing Servers: The Case for Unbalanced Load and Fairness

Bianca Schroeder (Carnegie Mellon University), Mor Harchol-Balter (Carnegie Mellon University)

A Comparative Evaluation of Implicit Coscheduling Strategies for Networks of Workstations

Cosimo Anglano (Universita' del Piemonte Orientale)

Application Placement using Performance Surfaces

Andre Turgeon (Brigham Young University), Quinn Snell (Brigham Young University), Mark Clement (Brigham Young University)

Evening: Conference Banquet, Carnegie Museum

The Conference Banquet will be held in the Carnegie Museum. Dinner will be held in the Carnegie Hall, and the Dinosaur exhibit will be open throughout the banquet. Buses leave the hotel at 5:30.


Friday, August 4

8:30-10: Panel

"Programming support for grid applications: let the users speak"

Henri Bal (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) and Rich Wolski (University of Tennessee), moderators.

Panelists: Ed Seidel, Jason Leigh, Dennis Gannon, Asad Samar, Judy Beiriger


10-10:30: break

10:30-12: Paper sessions

Track 1: Case Studies: Applications (Session chair: Andrew Grimshaw, U. of Virginia)

CAVEStudy: an Infrastructure for Computational Steering in Virtual Reality Environments

Luc Renambot (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam), Henri Bal (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam), Desmond Germans (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam), Hans Spoelder (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)

Parallel Matching and Sorting with TACO's Distributed Collections - A Case Study from Molecular Biology Research

Jörg Nolte (Real World Computing Partnership (RWCP)), Paul Horton (Real World Computing Partnership (RWCP))

The Cactus Code: A Problem Solving Environment for the Grid

Gabrielle Allen (Albert Einstein Institute, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), Tom Goodale (Albert Einstein Institute, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), Gerd Lanfermann (Albert Einstein Institute, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), Thomas Radke (Albert Einstein Institute, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), Ed Seidel (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik), John Shalf (NCSA)

Track 2: High-Performance Storage (Session chair: Ed Seidel, University of Potsdam)

dQUOB: Managing Large Data Flows by Dynamic Embedded Queries

Beth Plale (Georgia Institute of Technology), Karsten Schwan (Georgia Insititue of Technology)

Creating Highly Performant Servers For Massively Large Databases

Jacek Becla and Andrew Hanushevsky (Stanford University)

A New Distributed RAID-x Architecture for I/O-Centric Cluster Computing

Kai Hwang (University of Southern California), Hai Jin (University of Southern California), Roy Ho (The University of Hong Kong)