DHARMA: Domain-specific Metaware for Hydrologic Applications
Daniel Andresen, Mitchell Neilsen, Gurdip Singh, Prasanta Kalita
Kansas State University - Andresen, Neilsen, Singh
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Kalita
Navigational Programming
Lei Pan, Lubomir F. Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt, Ming Kin Lai
University of California, Irvine
OGSI.net: An OGSI-Compliant Hosting Container for the .NET Framework
Glenn Wasson, Norm Beekwilder, Marty Humphrey
University of Virginia
GridOS: Operating System Support for Grid Architectures
Pradeep Padala and Joseph N. Wilson
University of Florida
The OptIPuter: System Software Issues for the Lambda-Grid
Huaxia Xia, Xinran Wu, Xin Liu, Jie Wei, Alex Olugbile, Andrew A. Chien
University of California, San Diego
"Combining Passive Application Monitoring with Active Probes in a Network Measurement Tool"
Marcia Zangrilli and Bruce B. Lowekamp
The College of William and Mary
The MicroGrid: Emulation Tools for Modeling Grid Behavior
Xin Liu, Huaxia Xia, Alex Olugbile, and Andrew A. Chien
of California, San Diego
"GridLab: GAT and GridSphere, Application-oriented Tools for the Grid
Gabrielle Allen, Kelly Davis, Tom Goodale, Ian Kelley,
Jason Novotny, Michael Russell, Oliver Wehrens, Ed Seidel
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics.
The Taming of the Grid: QoS-based Application Services
Katarzyna Keahey, Khalid Motawi
Argonne National Laboratory
The DOE ACTS Collection, Advanced Computational Tools for Scientific and Engineering Applications
L. A. Drummond, O. Marques
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
NetLogger as a Web Services Event Transport
Dan Gunter, Brian Tierney, Martin Stoufer
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Distributed Multi-Site Scheduling of Parallel Jobs
Gerald Sabin, P. Sadayappan
Ohio State University
The Australian National Grid Testbed
S. Ramachandran, D. R. Bannon
The Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing
LeSC Centre Overview
John Darlington, Steven Newhouse, Anthony Mayer, Nathalie Furmento, Stephen McGough, James Stanton, Yong Xie,
William Lee, Marko Krznaric, Murtaza Gulamali, Asif Saleem, Laurie Young, Gary Kong
Imperial College London
The Grid Technology Repository
Lisa Childers, Charles Bacon
Argonne National Laboratory
Managing Virtual Data and Provenance with Chimera
Michael Wilde, Ewa Deelman, Ian Fjoster, Carl Kesselman, Gaurang Mehta,
Michael Milligan, Karan Vahi, Jens Voeckler, Yong Zhao
University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute
vGrid: An Autonomic Runtime System for Grid Applications
Salim Hariri, University of Arizona
ManishParashar, Rutgers University
Distribution Strategy for the R-GMA Registry
Steve Fisher, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Paul Taylor IBM Hursley Park, UK
Open Grid Computing Environment Portal
Dennis Gannon, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox, Beth Plale
Indiana University
Mary Thomas University of Texas, Jay Alameda University of Illinois