The Leading Technical Conference on Grids
Distributed Computing

June 4-6 2004
Honolulu, Hawaii USA


   The Thirteenth IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing will be a forum for presenting the latest research findings on the design and use of highly networked systems for computing, collaboration, data analysis, and other innovative tasks.

   In recent years, HPDC has evolved into an important meeting place for researchers and practitioners in the area of distributed and grid computing to share scholarly results.  As is demonstrated by the strong program for HPDC-12 (with a 20% acceptance rate), HPDC seeks the highest quality research contributions, and conference participation, in the field.

   HPDC-13 will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) in conjunction with the 11th Global Grid Forum Meeting, the international body to promote communication, best practices, and standards in Grid computing.   HPDC-13/GGF-11 will together provide a global meeting place for those interested in Grid computing technologies and applications.  A joint program of tutorials and keynote talks will highlight major themes and recent developments in the field. 

Conference Registration opens at 7:45 AM

Registration will be located in the Coral Foyer in the Mid Pacific Conference center between 7:45 AM and 6:00 PM.`

updated $Date: 2004/06/04 17:23:41 $ by $Author: rich $