The Leading Technical Conference on Grids
Distributed Computing

June 4-6 2004
Honolulu, Hawaii USA


   GGF and HPDC are pleased to offer a limited amount of student travel scholarships that include:

   Priority will be given to GGF and IEEE Student Members.

   To apply for the Student Travel Scholarship, send email to wulf@ggf.org and include the following information:

   Selected scholars will be notified of their acceptance on or before 10-May.

   Selected GGF11/HPDC-13 Scholars must agree to the following:

   Failure to perform within these guidelines will result in a forfeit of travel, lodging and registration reimbursement. If you disagree with any of the above, please do not submit an application.

   *It is necessary to distinguish US applicants vs applicants outside the US due to various sources of funding.

   For more information, please contact

Julie Wulf-Knoerzer
Mathematics & Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave., 221/C115-B
Argonne, IL 60439.

fax: 630-252-1997

updated $Date: 2004/04/23 12:02:33 $ by $Author: rich $