Call For Papers

The International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing is the premier conference for presenting the latest research on the design, implementation, evaluation, and use of parallel and distributed systems for high end computing. HPDC is sponsored by SIGARCH, the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture. The 20th installment of HPDC will take place in San Jose, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley. This year, HPDC is affiliated with the ACM Federated Computing Research Conference, consisting of fifteen leading ACM conferences all in one week. HPDC will be held on June 9-11 (Thursday through Saturday) with affiliated workshops taking place on June 8th (Wednesday).

Submissions are welcomed on all forms of high performance parallel and distributed computing, including but not limited to clusters, clouds, grids, utility computing, data-intensive computing, multicore and parallel computing. All papers will be reviewed by a distinguished program committee, with a strong preference for rigorous results obtained in operational parallel and distributed systems. All papers will be evaluated for correctness, originality, potential impact, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference.

In addition to traditional technical papers, we also invite experience papers. Such papers should present operational details of a production high end system or application, and draw out conclusions gained from operating the system or application. The evaluation of experience papers will place a greater weight on the real-world impact of the system and the value of conclusions to future system designs.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Applications of parallel and distributed computing.
  • Systems, networks, and architectures for high end computing.
  • Parallel and multicore issues and opportunities.
  • Virtualization of machines, networks, and storage.
  • Programming languages and environments.
  • I/O, file systems, and data management.
  • Data intensive computing.
  • Resource management, scheduling, and load-balancing.
  • Performance modeling, simulation, and prediction.
  • Fault tolerance, reliability and availability.
  • Security, configuration, policy, and management issues.
  • Models and use cases for utility, grid, and cloud computing.
  • Authors are invited to submit technical papers of at most 12 pages in PDF format, including all figures and references. Papers should be formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style and submitted via the conference web site. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be incorporated into the ACM Digital Library.

    Papers must be self-contained and provide the technical substance required for the program committee to evaluate the paper's contribution. Papers should thoughtfully address all related work, particularly work presented at previous HPDC events. Submitted papers must be original work that has not appeared in and is not under consideration for another conference or a journal. See the ACM Prior Publication Policy for more details.


    Seven workshops affiliated with HPDC will be held on Wednesday, June 8th. For more information, see the Workshops page.
  • ScienceCloud: 2nd Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing
  • MapReduce: The Second International Workshop on MapReduce and its Applications
  • VTDC: Virtual Technologies in Distributed Computing
  • ECMLS: The Second International Emerging Computational Methods for the Life Sciences Workshop
  • LSAP: Workshop on Large-Scale System and Application Performance
  • DIDC: The Fourth International Workshop on Data-Intensive Distributed Computing
  • 3DAPAS: Workshop on Dynamic Distributed Data-Intensive Applications, Programming Abstractions, and Systems
  • Important Dates

    Technical Papers Due: 17 January 2011
    PAPER DEADLINE EXTENDED: 24 January 2011 at 12:01 PM (NOON) Eastern Time
    Author Notifications: 28 February 2011
    HPDC Papers and Posters Due: 24 March 2011 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time
    Workshop Papers Due: 31 March 2011 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time
    Student Poster Deadline 29 April 2011
    Student Travel Grant
    Application Deadline
    1 May 2011
    Early Registration Ends 16 May 2011
    Conference Dates: 8-11 June 2011


    General Chair

    Barney Maccabe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Program Chair

    Douglas Thain, University of Notre Dame

    Workshops Chair

    Mike Lewis, Binghamton University

    Sponsorship Chair

    Matei Ripeanu, University of British Columbia

    Local Arrangements Chair

    Nicholas Wright, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    Student Activities Chairs

    Huaiming Song, Illinois Institute of Technology
    Hui Jin, Illinois Institute of Technology

    Publicity Chairs

    Alexandru Iosup, Delft University of Technology
    John Lange, University of Pittsburgh
    Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology
    Yong Zhao, University of Electronic and Science Technology of China

    Program Committee

    Kento Aida, National Institute of Informatics
    Henri Bal, Vrije Universiteit
    Roger Barga, Microsoft
    Jim Basney, NCSA
    John Bent, Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories
    Shawn Brown, Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center
    Claris Castillo, IBM
    Andrew A. Chien, UC San Diego and SDSC
    Ewa Deelman, USC Information Sciences Institute
    Peter Dinda, Northwestern University
    Scott Emrich, University of Notre Dame
    Dick Epema, Delft University of Technology
    Gilles Fedak, INRIA
    Renato Figuierdo, University of Florida
    Ian Foster, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
    Gabriele Garzoglio, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
    Rong Ge, Marquette University
    Sebastien Goasguen, Clemson University
    Kartik Gopalan, Binghamton University
    Dean Hildebrand, IBM Almaden
    Adriana Iamnitchi, University of South Florida
    Alexandru Iosup, Delft University of Technology
    Keith Jackson, Lawrence Berkeley
    Shantenu Jha, Louisiana State University
    Daniel S. Katz, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
    Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit
    Charles Killian, Purdue University
    Tevfik Kosar, Louisiana State University
    John Lange, University of Pittsburgh
    Mike Lewis, Binghamton University
    Barney Maccabe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Grzegorz Malewicz, Google
    Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
    Jarek Nabrzyski, University of Notre Dame
    Manish Parashar, Rutgers University
    Beth Plale, Indiana University
    Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology
    Philip Rhodes, University of Mississippi
    Matei Ripeanu, University of British Columbia
    Philip Roth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech
    Martin Swany, University of Delaware
    Jon Weissman, University of Minnesota
    Dongyan Xu, Purdue University
    Ken Yocum, UC San Diego
    Yong Zhao, University of Electronic and Science Technology of China

    Steering Committee

    Henri Bal, Vrije Universiteit
    Andrew A. Chien, UC San Diego and SDSC
    Peter Dinda, Northwestern University
    Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago
    Dennis Gannon, Microsoft
    Salim Hariri, University of Arizona
    Dieter Kranzlmueller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen
    Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
    Manish Parashar, Rutgers University
    Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech
    Jon Weissman, University of Minnesota (Chair)