
Registration Website

HPDC'12 registration is now open.

What's Included

For all registrant types, registration for the HPDC'12 conference includes the reception on Wednesday and the social event on Thursday (museum visit and conference dinner).

For all registrant types, registration for the HPDC'12 workshops includes access to both the workshops of HPDC'12 and to all sessions on Monday and Tuesday of the Open Grid Forum (OGF35), which is co-located with HPDC.

Registrants of either the HPDC'12 Conference+Workshops or of the HPDC'12 Workshops Only can register for OGF35 for only Sunday for the one-day OGF member fee.

Call for Posters

There is a separate Call for Posters for conference attendees to advertize their current research with a deadline of May 15, 2012.

Early Registration Deadline

The early registration deadline is May 25, 2012 (CET).


All amounts listed on this page are in Euros, and your credit card will be charged in Euros as well.

Early Registration Fees

Conference + Workshops (ACM members)


Conference + Workshops (non-ACM members)


Conference + Workshops (students)


Conference Only (ACM members)


Conference Only (non-ACM members)


Conference Only (students)


Workshops Only (all registrant types)


Late Registration Fees

For late registration, add 100 Euros to each of the early registration fees.

Visa Support Letters

Attendees needing visa letters may request a letter via the ACM.