The 29th International ACM Symposium on
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing
Virtual Conference via Zoom (formerly Stockholm, Sweden)
June 23-26, 2020
Download this Call for Participation text
The ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) is the premier annual conference for presenting the latest research on the design, implementation, evaluation, and the use of parallel and distributed systems for high-end computing. Due to COVID-19, the 29th installment of HPDC will take the form of a virtual conference with a live synchronous introduction and welcome, asynchronous pre-recorded talks, and live Q&A sessions.
Registration is free for non-authors. Authors' pre-recorded talks will be available from the HPDC web page as well as YouTube. Please register via the Google Form below by June 15, 2020 to receive the login credentials for the conference. Registrants will also receive login credentials for HPDC's two co-located workshops (P-RECS and SNTA), which will also feature some live sessions.
- Live synchronous introduction via Zoom with 1-minute madness session that previews each paper
- Asynchronous Pre-recorded Talks on YouTube
- Synchronous Q&A with authors via Slack
- 2 Keynotes: Costas Bekas (Citadel Securities) and Mary Hall (University of Utah)
- Single track presentation of 16 full papers and 6 short papers across 7 sessions, including Improving Accuracy and Efficiency, Up in the Clouds, Big Data Management, Distributed Learning, Enabling Adaptivity, Exploiting GPUs, and High Performance Networking.
- 2 virtual workshops below with live sessions - check URLs for more details 3rd International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Computer Systems (P-RECS) 3rd International Workshop on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics (SNTA)
Full program is available here!