Workshops will be held before HPDC on June 25-26.
All workshops are scheduled for a full day. The currently scheduled workshops are:
Monday, June 25th |
Grid Monitoring Workshop |
Organizers: Julia Andreeva, Birger Koblitz, Stefano Belforte |
Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS07) |
Organizers: Ewa Deelman,Ian Taylor |
Web site:
www.isi.edu/works07 |
Joint EGEE and OSG Workshop on Data Handling in Production Grids |
Organizers: Erwin Laure, Miron Livny |
Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environment
(CLADE 2007) |
Organizers: Jennifer Schopf, Ray Bair |
Web site: http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~jms/CLADE2007/ |
Second Provenance Challenge Workshop (SPC) |
Organizers: Luc Moreau, Simon Miles, Juliana Freire |
Web site: http://twiki.ipaw.info/bin/view/Challenge |
2nd Workshop on the Use of P2P, GRID and Agents for the Development of Content Networks (UPGRADE-CN) |
Organizers: Giancarlo Fortino, Carlo Mastroianni,Guillaume Pierre |
Service-Oriented Computing Performance: Aspects, Issues, and Approaches (SOCP) |
Organizers: Kenneth Chiu, Lionel Villard, Shigeru Chiba,
Dennis Gannon |
Web site:
http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~kchiu/socp07/ |
Abstract due: January 8
Paper Submission: Jan 15
Notification: Mar 26
Final Manuscripts: Apr 20
Hot Topics Due: June 1
Conference: June 27-29