Workshop Chair: Ivy B. Peng, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (
Registration Open
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Join Workshops
All workshops can be accessed through Whova virtual conference platform on this link Please sign up using the email address you used to register for the conference. Go to ‘Agenda’ and join sessions on Jun 21&25.
Workshop | ScienceCloud | 09:00-13:00 EDT | 11TH Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing | Bogdan Nicolae, Alexandru Costan, Kento Sato |
Workshop | SNTA | 09:30-16:30 EDT | Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics | Jinoh Kim, Massimo Cafaro, Alex Sim |
Workshop | P-RECS’21 | 11:00-15:00 EDT | 4th International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Computer Systems | Ivo Jimenez, Jay Lofstead, Carlos Maltzahn |
Tutorial | SHAD | 13:00-16:00 EDT | Productive Programming of Distributed Systems with the SHAD C++ Library | Vito Giovanni Castellana, Marco Minutoli |
Workshop | FRAME | 02:00-08:00 EDT | Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge | Massimo Coppola, Hanna Kavalionak, Luca Ferrucci, Antonios Makris |
Workshop | PERMAVOST | 05:00-09:00 EDT | Performance EngineeRing, Modelling, Analysis, and VisualizatiOn STrategy | Radita Liem, Connor Scully-Allison, Ana Veroneze Solorzano, Jesus Labarta |
Workshop | EMOSS'21 | 08:00-12:00EDT | Emerging Open Storage Systems and Solutions for Data Intensive Computing | Sai Narasimhamurthy |
Workshop | HPSC | 11:00-15:00 EDT | High Performance Serverless Computing | Yadu Babuji, Ian Foster, Kyle Chard |